Monday, February 14, 2011


I'm pretty much terrible at keeping up with my blog. I feel like writing a lot through the week but I never sit down and actually do it! Today was pretty cool, I just had work etc. I'm actually feeling super anxious about work lately.. I don't know if my anxiety is just really high and I'm just pinning it to work, or if I really feel that nervous about work. I feel like all my god damn problems revolve around work. I would look for a new job but having a campus job is amazing!! I only work mornings, four shifts a week. And I have weekends and school holidays off!! haha. It's amazing. And the most I work is a four and a half hour shift. My paychecks keep me going tooo. I just hate that it's soo unpredictable. I know how to handle every situation but the fact that I have no idea if it's going to be a good day or a bad day just drives me bananannanansnsnsa. ANYWAYS. I only have to do it for like two and a half more months.. :) Then back to SLC. That's another thing that stresses me out. I really want to go to U of U in the fall, but I don't think I'll be able to get in. I've actually been considering weber lately, but that is like a thirty five minute commute every day. I really don't mind going to SLCC, but it'll be a huge downstep from what I'm doing now.. And I will want to move out ASAP. Meaning I'll have to find a job. blah blah blah. :) But if I can be home, it'll all be A OKAY. On another note I'm super excited for this weeeekend. :) I hope this week flys by, like it usually does. HA. I have some awesome shit planned. haha. :) BUT yeah... The Grammys were awesome last night :) ARCADE FIRE WON BEST ALBUM OF THE YEAR! I couldn't ask for anything else. The fact that millions of people are like who the fuck are arcade fire and why do they suck just proves my point of people don't know what good music is. I mean C'MON JUSTIN BIEBER? He is the worse thing in the world. The fact that he can't sing is bad enough, but the lyrics? C'mon douche bag write about something actually meaningful. How you can't get your dick wet with a hot girl is just pathetic. The fact that you probably don't even like girls is just as messed up. haha. Sorry.. but seriously. Bitch is grosss. Anyways I'll be sure to try hard to keep up the blog posts! Oh and I decided I kind of hate being single of valentines day but mr perfect hasn't come yet. ha ha haaa. I'll probably be single till i'm like 26. At least i've already accepted the fact.